Ella Dawn has investigated hundreds of private and public locations. You can check out some of her evidence in the gallery tab. She uses her mediumistic abilities, professional equipment such as digital recorder, psb7 spirit box, emf pump, k2 meter, melmeter, infra red camera, maglight, heat laser and more!! During the investigation she will spend few hours in your home, sensing and recording activity, identifying tho source and then going back to her office to go over everything and put it together for you, after which she meets you few days later to talk about possible options to best serve and protect your family and the house.

*You can have Ella come to do a private investigation or you can book a group ghost hunt party at her location or at yours. The party includes using a professional ghost hunting equipment to experience what's it like to be a paranormal investigator and to connect with the spirit world.

Price List:

Initial consultation and property assessment only-$60
Consultation, assessment, reading and investigation-$150
Full Paranormal Investigation (all included plus supplies, cleansing/blessing and spirit removal-$300
*pricing is based on 5 mile radius if you live further contact me for an estimate