Mediumship readings

Mediumship readings help to connect with family, friends and loved ones on the other side. Remember that love can never die, people that had passed on are always around, their world intersecting with ours every single second of every day!! The spirit that has the most powerful energy is usually the one that will come through first, sometimes not being the one that you were hoping to speak to, but the one that you really need to hear from so try to prepare the night before and ask the person you would like to hear from to come through the day before your reading. In mediumship readings your loved one will validate that they are still here by talking about how they passed, where they are now, what they want to tell you that they didn't get a chance to say, how it felt for them to pass on, how their personality is like so you know it really them and so on.

Price List:

  • 1hr Mediumship Reading in person, by phone or through Skype-$120
  • 1hr Mediumship Reading your location (within 15miles from Lindenhurst)-$150
  • Group Mediumship Reading 3-5 people (20min each)-$45 per person
  • Group Mediumship Reading 6-10 people (15min each)-$40 per person
  • Group Mediumship Reading 11& more people-$35 per person

*Group readings of 6 and more people are done at customer's location only.

**With group readings of 11 &more people, not everyone gets a message. Time limit is 2 hours so in smaller groups mostly everyone gets a message and in bigger groups only those whos passed over loved ones are the strongest will get a message.