Ella Dawn is a Certified Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner
What is Integrated Energy Therapy?
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good.
Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment or self-limiting beliefs can become “stuck” (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or dis-ease.
IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map® to target specific areas in the body where these “cellular memories” are stored, helping to release them on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of being: pure joy.
Benefits Of IET Session
- Increases your sense of well-being, life purpose, happiness, creativity, health and prosperity
- activates and balances chakras and meridian system
- strengthens and protects the aura.
- Painlessly identifies and releases deeply surpressed feelings and your core cellular memories
- Helps ro have more fulfilling, loving relationships in all areas of your life
- Helps you to Discover and live your Soul’s mission in life
- Supports your self-healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
- Provides gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas, such as physical and sexual abuse, addictions and PTSD
- Increases your connection to the loving and nurturing spirit of the Divine
- Removes limitations so that you are empowered to live your best life
Release the Trauma Without the Drama
One of the benefits of IET is an opportunity for you to be free of the story that you tell yourself and others about your life and the world that you live in. The stories that we maintain often create dynamics in life where it is as if you are functioning under a spell. The vibrations of particular energy blocks maintain old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations that then radiate out and attract situations energetically to us that will “prove” that these old stories are still true today. These “new” situations have the same vibration of the old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations and the story is then strengthened by being verified. Now being even more committed to the truth of our stories, we vibrate more of the same, attract more of the same, and a cycle of dysfunction persists and the “spell” is cast.
When we share our stories with others, we use words to convey the intricate patterns and design of our particular experience. The words that we choose have the unique function of conveying to the world the power and conviction that we feel for what our story means to us. Words, along with the old ideas, beliefs, and feelings, can then carry a specific “charge” with them. IET can work at the level of cause where the initial trauma was introduced without using words that can threaten or trigger the old sensations or emotions. This also helps to avoid unnecessary confusion or confrontation that can occur when trying to navigate through a story by using words. By releasing the trauma without the drama, IET supports you in moving away from your story and into the truth: breaking the spell.
Going back to the principles of Quantum Physics, we know that everything is comprised of energy. Each component of the “spell” can be addressed energetically: transforming the vibration of the stuck ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations from a level of dysfunction to one of true freedom or love. When the spell is broken, then we can vibrationally attract situations into our lives that radiate our inherent goodness and magnificence.
Re-Balance Your Energy
Whether your energy is depleted or over-stimulated, IET can effectively re-balance your energy body.
Working at home or in an office, for yourself or for others, constant demands and responsibilities can lead to burnout or exhaustion. IET helps to reignite the passion, creativity, and sense of purpose that helps us thrive.
Those of us who work with a high degree of public contact, such as Therapists, Nurses, Sales People, Teachers, Social Workers, or Body Workers, can sometimes accumulate “static” from being over-stimulated by the energies of the people we interact with. IET can help to dissipate this sense of overwhelm and bring us back in alignment with our own sense of Self.
People who work with Technology can be sensitive to the energy of the electricity of the equipment and systems that they work with and experience an accumulation of energy that feels much like an electrical current, anxiety, or a jittery feeling. IET can help to ground and discharge this energy imbalance.
Your energy body directly impacts the quality of your life. Maintenance and support of your energy body is maintenance and support of your best life!
The Next Level of Energy Therapy
IET is the next level of energy therapies that uses a higher vibrational energy than traditional forms. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to realize your dreams as you evolve into your future.
How Energy Therapies Work
Current research reveals that electromagnetic forces are the foundation of all life. Scientists are now proving what many Eastern medicine traditions have known for thousands of years—that our bodies not only contain “physical systems” (such as our circulatory or lymphatic systems), they are also made up of “energetic systems” that play a critical role in our health and well-being. Energy flows along prescribed pathways through our bodies much like blood moves through arteries. These pathways are recognized and actively used today in many alternative and preventive health care practices to balance and clear blockages in our energy systems: blockages that impact the way we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
How Integrated Energy Works
In physical terms, health represents a condition of systems that are in perfect balance and flow: there are no constrictions, impediments, or blocks. In emotional or mental terms, health is the experience of truth, joy, and love: an expansive state of pure possibility and potential.
All things are made of energy. Everything has a vibrational pattern, and these patterns can be changed. An energy block occurs when a naturally balanced energy system is flooded with negativity, trauma, distress, or fear—lowering the vibration of the energy body. By directing Integrated Energy into the energy system, the energetic imprint of a dysfunction or illness can be re-balanced—raising the vibration of the energy body and restoring the energy system back to its natural state of health and harmony.
Integration Channel Diagram
By scientific example: We can use water to represent the energy system, and heat to represent Integrated Energy. Water in its densest form is ice. By introducing an energy source of heat to ice, it transforms back to water. With continued heat, the water changes to steam, and ultimately vaporizes into air. Ice is transformed into air with the introduction of energy (heat)—moving from solid to light.
By IET example: Using an Integration Channel® and the IET Cellular Memory Map®, the body’s energy system is systematically infused with Integrated Energy. Dis-ease transforms to ease; dysfunctional feelings are transformed into feelings of harmony, joy and love; and fearful or negative thoughts are transformed into innocence, hope, and trust—moving from fear to love.
* IET can be done in person or as a distance healing. Both work the same way and have equal benefits. You can also send or bring in a picture of another person, If you choose to send them the healing and remove blockages. I can also travel to your location if you live within a 15 mile radius. You can choose to get your aura and chakras photographed with a special machine to help identify blockages and see for yourself the before and after image and the difference this amazing healing makes!!
Price list:
- 1hr IET session my location-$140 (in person or distance healing through Skype or phone)
- 1hr IET session your location (within 15 miles from Lindenhurst)-$160
- 30min IET session my location (in person or distance healing through Skype or phone)-$75
- 30min IET session your location (within 15 miles from Lindenhurst)-$95
*If you would like to include a before and after aura and chakra picture let me know in advance. It is $25 extra for emailed images and $35 extra for color printed images.
**All major debit/credit cards accepted. NY state tax applies for all electronic transactions